Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Surely I can't be alone.

When I think of myself as a consumer, I consider myself part of a lucrative target audience.  My kids are out of the toddler stage so I actually have some resemblance of a social life again, I am re-discovering who I am, carving out some high-quality BFF time, and I have a decent amount of disposable income.  Basically I'm no longer cocooned in my house with 3 kids under the age of five.  Plus, since I've chosen a professional career in marketing, I tend to pay dedicated attention to the 'details' in the marketplace.  I open my senses to the traditional marketing and advertising clutter that many people try hard to avoid, inviting learning and observing opportunities whenever I can.  I know you may be laughing since I have admittedly avoided the new social media world.  I'll add some clarification then to my previous statement.  I have always invited the traditional channels into my personal space.  I'm slowly expanding my invitation, albeit with a few reservations. 
What frustrates me though, is the risk I feel many companies take by dumping all their marketing eggs into one shiny new basket, and forgetting the hand woven, traditional, perfectly capable, original basket.  There's got to be many others like myself who represent a great target audience, and yet have not spent a day on Facebook or LinkedIn, or the many others that I am probably embarrassing myself by not mentioning.    I suppose if I truly wanted this blog to attract more of MY target audience, I'd have to print it and send it by mail in a beautiful greeting card.   People like me LOVE getting pretty greeting cards in the mail because they are personal, beautiful, and have the power to put me in a comfy chair with warm thoughts and a pen to return the favour to a host of deserving people.
My remaining question:  Is it ok for a company to say 'no' to social media?
Why the Gap? To find out if I am a target market of one. 

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